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Executes a spatial interaction model based on an OD data frame and user-specified function


  output_col = "interaction",



A data frame representing origin-destination data, e.g. as created by si_to_od()


A function that calculates the interaction (e.g. the number of trips) between each OD pair


Character representing column in od. This argument, when set, ensures that the outputs are 'production constrained': the total 'interaction' (e.g. n. trips) for all OD pairs is set such that the total for each zone of origin cannot go above this value.


Character representing column in od. This argument, when set, ensures that the outputs are 'attraction constrained': the total 'interaction' (e.g. n. trips) for all OD pairs is set such that the sum of trips to destination is equal to the mean value per destination.


Single number representing the total interaction. This argument, when set, ensures that the sum of the interaction calculated will equal the value given.


Character string containing the name of the new output column. "interaction" by default.


Arguments passed to fun


An sf data frame


od = si_to_od(si_zones, si_zones, max_dist = 4000)
#> 1695 OD pairs remaining after removing those with a distance greater than 4000 meters:
#> 15% of all possible OD pairs
fun_dd = function(d = "distance_euclidean", beta = 0.3) exp(-beta * d / 1000)
fun_dd(d = (1:5)*1000)
#> [1] 0.7408182 0.5488116 0.4065697 0.3011942 0.2231302
od_dd = si_calculate(od, fun = fun_dd, d = distance_euclidean)
plot(od$distance_euclidean, od_dd$interaction)

fun = function(O, n, d, beta) O * n * exp(-beta * d / 1000)
od_output = si_calculate(od, fun = fun, beta = 0.3, O = origin_all, 
  n = destination_all, d = distance_euclidean)
#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 28 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.704658 ymin: 53.90066 xmax: -1.346497 ymax: 53.92906
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>           O         D distance_euclidean origin_geo_name origin_lad11cd
#> 1 E02002330 E02002330              0.000       Leeds 001      E08000035
#> 2 E02002330 E02002331           3579.804       Leeds 001      E08000035
#> 3 E02002331 E02002330           3579.804       Leeds 002      E08000035
#> 4 E02002331 E02002331              0.000       Leeds 002      E08000035
#> 5 E02002332 E02002332              0.000       Leeds 003      E08000035
#> 6 E02002332 E02002333           1582.213       Leeds 003      E08000035
#>   origin_lad_name origin_all origin_bicycle origin_foot origin_car_driver
#> 1           Leeds       2809             52         300              2170
#> 2           Leeds       2809             52         300              2170
#> 3           Leeds       2387             53         469              1573
#> 4           Leeds       2387             53         469              1573
#> 5           Leeds       2471             39         341              1666
#> 6           Leeds       2471             39         341              1666
#>   origin_car_passenger origin_motorbike origin_train_tube origin_bus
#> 1                  138               10                36         89
#> 2                  138               10                36         89
#> 3                  132               16                10        126
#> 4                  132               16                10        126
#> 5                  147               19                75        166
#> 6                  147               19                75        166
#>   origin_taxi_other destination_geo_name destination_lad11cd
#> 1                14            Leeds 001           E08000035
#> 2                14            Leeds 002           E08000035
#> 3                 8            Leeds 001           E08000035
#> 4                 8            Leeds 002           E08000035
#> 5                18            Leeds 003           E08000035
#> 6                18            Leeds 004           E08000035
#>   destination_lad_name destination_all destination_bicycle destination_foot
#> 1                Leeds            2809                  52              300
#> 2                Leeds            2387                  53              469
#> 3                Leeds            2809                  52              300
#> 4                Leeds            2387                  53              469
#> 5                Leeds            2471                  39              341
#> 6                Leeds            3743                  80              529
#>   destination_car_driver destination_car_passenger destination_motorbike
#> 1                   2170                       138                    10
#> 2                   1573                       132                    16
#> 3                   2170                       138                    10
#> 4                   1573                       132                    16
#> 5                   1666                       147                    19
#> 6                   2340                       193                    26
#>   destination_train_tube destination_bus destination_taxi_other
#> 1                     36              89                     14
#> 2                     10             126                      8
#> 3                     36              89                     14
#> 4                     10             126                      8
#> 5                     75             166                     18
#> 6                    221             335                     19
#>                         geometry interaction
#> 1 LINESTRING (-1.400108 53.92...     7890481
#> 2 LINESTRING (-1.400108 53.92...     2290854
#> 3 LINESTRING (-1.346497 53.92...     2290854
#> 4 LINESTRING (-1.346497 53.92...     5697769
#> 5 LINESTRING (-1.704658 53.91...     6105841
#> 6 LINESTRING (-1.704658 53.91...     5753720
plot(od$distance_euclidean, od_output$interaction)

od_pconst = si_calculate(od, fun = fun, beta = 0.3, O = origin_all,
  n = destination_all, d = distance_euclidean, constraint_production = origin_all)
plot(od_pconst$distance_euclidean, od_pconst$interaction)

plot(od_pconst["interaction"], logz = TRUE)

od_dd = si_calculate(od, fun = fun_dd, d = distance_euclidean, output_col = "res")
#> [1] 1.0000000 0.3416593 0.3416593 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.6220942
od_dd = si_calculate(od, fun = fun_dd, d = distance_euclidean, constraint_total = 10)
#> [1] 10